Psrecon - PowerShell Incident Response
Psrecon is an open source script that you can use to gather data from a remote Windows host using PowerShell (v2 or later), organizes the data into folders, hashes all extracted data, hashes PowerShell and various system properties, and sends the data off to the security team. The data can be pushed to a share, sent over email, or retained locally.
This is a good way to make your forensics analyses in real-time without login to many systems and search in data. Psrecon also allows to lockdown the remote system to reduce the risk of spreading the attack on your network.
One nice part about the report is that everything is self-contained, making it easy to share as there is no reliance on a centralize server. Even the images are encoded directly into the report’s HTML.
This script also includes endpoint lockdown functionality. This can be useful when working through a malware outbreak incident, especially when there is risk that the malware will spread to a share or other critical systems within the enterprise. Sometimes the quickest and most effective way to stop the spread of malware is to simply knock the host offline until IT/Security can respond, following the extraction of forensic data. Alternatively to quarantining the host, PSRecon allows you to disable an active directory account as well.
Some of the features are:
- Collect data on remote host to send the over Email / Push to Share / Pass Additional Arguments
- Basic incident response
- Integration with the SIEM to alert of any compromise
- Remote Lockdown and Quarantine
- Disable AD Account and Host Lockdown
Use Cases:
Basic Incident Response
Run this script directly to extract live forensic data from a remote host over the network and send the evidence report out via email to the Incident Response team and/or push the evidence in its entirety to a remote share for later review. You could alternatively, run this script on the host directly, by way of a USB and store the results on the external drive.
SIEM Integration for Incident Response Automation
Configure as a LogRhythm SmartResponse(TM) to automatically gather live Incident Response data and push HTML reports to the IR team. This can be configured to fire based on alerts observed within the SIEM or launched at-will in SIEM versions 7.0 and higher. When associating with malware events or similar activity where containment is desired, you can leverage the lockdown feature to gather forensic data before effectively knocking the host offline.
Remote Data Extraction and Endpoint Quarantine
Say that you have received alerts that a system recently became infected with a variant of Cryptolocker, automated cleanup failed, and you are worried about this spreading to shares. Quickly capture data from the remote host to gather data and better understand the infection and then quarantine the host by disabling NICs, logging the user out, and locking their desktop.
Run PSRecon on local host:
PS C:\> .\psrecon.ps1 This gathers default data and stores the results in the directory that the script was executed from.
Run PSRecon on remote host:
PS C:\> .\psrecon.ps1 -remote -target [computer] This gathers default data and stores the results in the script directory. You must choose either the [sendEmail] and/or [share] options to run the script on remote hosts.
Caveats: You will need to ensure that psremoting and unsigned execution is enabled on the remote host. <== dangerous to leave enabled!! Be careful, this may inadvertently expose administrative credentials when authenticating to a compromised host.
What if PSRemoting and Unrestricted Execution are disabled?
Remotely enable PSRemoting and Unrestricted PowerShell Execution using PsExec and PSSession, then run PSRecon
Option 1 -- WMI: PS C:\> wmic /node:"" process call create "powershell -noprofile -command Enable-PsRemoting -Force" -Credential Get-Credential Option 2 - PsExec: PS C:\> PsExec.exe \\ -u [admin account name] -p [admin account password] -h -d powershell.exe "Enable-PSRemoting -Force" Next... PS C:\> Test-WSMan PS C:\> Enter-PSSession []: PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force Then... Option 1 -- Execute locally in-memory, push evidence to a share, and lock the host down: []: PS C:\> IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('') []: PS C:\> Copy-Item PSRecon_* -Recurse [network share] []: PS C:\> rm PSRecon_* -Recurse -Force []: PS C:\> Invoke-Lockdown; exit Option 2 -- Exit PSSession, execute PSRecon remotely, send the report out via email, and lock the host down: []: PS C:\> exit PS C:\> .\psrecon.ps1 -remote -target -sendEmail -smtpServer -emailTo greg.foss[at] -emailFrom psrecon[at] -lockdown
Be careful! This will open the system up to unnecessary risk!! You could also inadvertently expose administrative credentials when authenticating to a compromised host. If the host isn’t taken offline, PSRemoting should be disabled along with disallowing Unrestricted PowerShell execution following PSRecon.
Remote Execution: -remote : Switch to run PSRecon against a remote host -target : Define the remote host to extract data fromSend Forensic Data via Email: -sendEmail : Allows the script to send the HTML report over SMTP. -smtpServer : Sets the remote SMTP Server that will be used to forward reports. -emailTo : Defines the email recipient. Multiple recipients can be separated by commas. -emailFrom : Defines the email sender.Push Forensic Data to Share: -share : Switch to push evidence to a remote share or send the HTML report over SMTP. -netShare : Defines the remote share. This should be manually tested with the credentials you will execute the script with.Lockdown and Disable Active Directory Account: -lockdown : Quarantine's the workstation. This disables the NIC's, locks the host and logs the user out. -adLock : Disables the target username ID within Active Directory. A username must be provided (-adlock "username").Extract additional data (extends the time it takes to run PSRecon by a few minutes): -email : Extracts client email data (from / to / subject / email links).Credentials - Required for remote execution and interaction with Active Directory. -username : Administrative Username - can be supplied on the command-line or hard-coded into the script. -password : Administrative Password - can be supplied on the command-line or hard-coded into the script. <== Bad idea!! If neither parameter is supplied, you will be prompted for credentials -- the safest option aside from local execution.Miscellaneous: -companyName: Declare the company within the 'company confidential' notice of the report
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