BLEAH - BLE Scanner for Smart Devices Hacking

BLEAH - BLE Scanner for Smart Devices Hacking |
     A BLE scanner for “smart” devices hacking based on the bluepy library, dead easy to use because retarded devices should be dead easy to hack.

How to Install

Install bluepy from source:
git clone bluepypython buildsudo python install

Then install bleah:
git clone bleahpython buildsudo python install


From the -h help menu:
usage: bleah [-h] [-i HCI] [-t TIMEOUT] [-s SENSITIVITY] [-b MAC] [-f] [-e]             [--handles] [-u UUID] [-d DATA] [-r DATAFILE]optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -i HCI, --hci HCI     HCI device index.  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT                        Scan delay, 0 for continuous scanning.  -s SENSITIVITY, --sensitivity SENSITIVITY                        dBm threshold.  -b MAC, --mac MAC     Filter by device address.  -f, --force           Try to connect even if the device doesn't allow to.  -e, --enumerate       Connect to available devices and perform services                        enumeration.  --handles             Try to read every handle. WARNING: For some                        devices this might cause the read operation to hang                        ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  -u UUID, --uuid UUID  Write data to this characteristic UUID (requires --mac                        and --data).  -d DATA, --data DATA  Data to be written.  -r DATAFILE, --datafile DATAFILE                        Read data to be written from this file.


Keep scanning for BTLE devices:
sudo bleah -t0

BLE Scanner for Smart Devices Hacking: BLEAH

Connect to a specific device and enumerate all the things:
sudo bleah -b "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" -e

BLE Scanner for Smart Devices Hacking: BLEAH

Write the bytes hello world to a specific characteristic of the device:
sudo bleah -b "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" -u "c7d25540-31dd-11e2-81c1-0800200c9a66" -d "hello world"

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