X Attacker Tool - Website Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter
X Attacker Tool ☣ Website Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter
You can use this tool on your website to check the security of your website by finding the vulnerability in your website or you can use this tool to Get Shells | Sends | Deface | cPanels | Databases
You can use this tool on your website to check the security of your website by finding the vulnerability in your website or you can use this tool to Get Shells | Sends | Deface | cPanels | Databases
git clone https://github.com/Moham3dRiahi/XAttacker.git
[+] Auto Cms Detect
[1] WordPress :
[+] Adblock Blocker
[+] WP All Import
[+] Blaze
[+] Catpro
[+] Cherry Plugin
[+] Download Manager
[+] Formcraft
[+] levoslideshow
[+] Power Zoomer
[+] Gravity Forms
[+] Revslider Upload Shell
[+] Revslider Dafece Ajax
[+] Revslider Get Config
[+] Showbiz
[+] Simple Ads Manager
[+] Slide Show Pro
[+] WP Mobile Detector
[+] Wysija
[+] InBoundio Marketing
[+] dzs-zoomsounds
[+] Reflex Gallery
[+] Creative Contact Form
[+] Work The Flow File Upload
[+] WP Job Manger
[+] PHP Event Calendar
[+] Synoptic
[+] Wp Shop
[+] Content Injection
[+] WP All Import
[+] Blaze
[+] Catpro
[+] Cherry Plugin
[+] Download Manager
[+] Formcraft
[+] levoslideshow
[+] Power Zoomer
[+] Gravity Forms
[+] Revslider Upload Shell
[+] Revslider Dafece Ajax
[+] Revslider Get Config
[+] Showbiz
[+] Simple Ads Manager
[+] Slide Show Pro
[+] WP Mobile Detector
[+] Wysija
[+] InBoundio Marketing
[+] dzs-zoomsounds
[+] Reflex Gallery
[+] Creative Contact Form
[+] Work The Flow File Upload
[+] WP Job Manger
[+] PHP Event Calendar
[+] Synoptic
[+] Wp Shop
[+] Content Injection
[2] Joomla
[+] Com Jce
[+] Com Media
[+] Com Jdownloads
[+] Com Fabrik
[+] Com Jdownloads Index
[+] Com Foxcontact
[+] Com Ads Manager
[+] Com Blog
[+] Com Users
[+] Com Weblinks
[+] mod_simplefileupload
[+] Com Media
[+] Com Jdownloads
[+] Com Fabrik
[+] Com Jdownloads Index
[+] Com Foxcontact
[+] Com Ads Manager
[+] Com Blog
[+] Com Users
[+] Com Weblinks
[+] mod_simplefileupload
[3] DruPal
[+] Add Admin
[4] PrestaShop
[+] columnadverts
[+] soopamobile
[+] soopabanners
[+] Vtermslideshow
[+] simpleslideshow
[+] productpageadverts
[+] homepageadvertise
[+] homepageadvertise2
[+] jro_homepageadvertise
[+] attributewizardpro
[+] 1attributewizardpro
[+] AttributewizardproOLD
[+] attributewizardpro_x
[+] advancedslider
[+] cartabandonmentpro
[+] cartabandonmentproOld
[+] videostab
[+] wg24themeadministration
[+] fieldvmegamenu
[+] wdoptionpanel
[+] pk_flexmenu
[+] pk_vertflexmenu
[+] nvn_export_orders
[+] megamenu
[+] tdpsthemeoptionpanel
[+] psmodthemeoptionpanel
[+] masseditproduct
[+] soopamobile
[+] soopabanners
[+] Vtermslideshow
[+] simpleslideshow
[+] productpageadverts
[+] homepageadvertise
[+] homepageadvertise2
[+] jro_homepageadvertise
[+] attributewizardpro
[+] 1attributewizardpro
[+] AttributewizardproOLD
[+] attributewizardpro_x
[+] advancedslider
[+] cartabandonmentpro
[+] cartabandonmentproOld
[+] videostab
[+] wg24themeadministration
[+] fieldvmegamenu
[+] wdoptionpanel
[+] pk_flexmenu
[+] pk_vertflexmenu
[+] nvn_export_orders
[+] megamenu
[+] tdpsthemeoptionpanel
[+] psmodthemeoptionpanel
[+] masseditproduct
[5] Lokomedia
SQL injection
Short Form | Long Form | Description |
-l | --list | websites list |
if you have list websites run tool with this command line
perl XAttacker.pl -l list.txt
if you don't have list websites run the tool with this command
perl XAttacker.pl
for coloring in windows Add This Line
use Win32::Console::ANSI;
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