fixer - FIX (Financial Information eXchange) protocol fuzzer

Fixer™ is a Python command-line tool which simplifies and enhances FIX security testing by delivering a more customisable and automated Fix fuzzing process.
Wireshark or TCPDump
Fixer will use as input a TCPDump or Wireshark capture of a legitimate fix Login conversation in raw format. The tool will then process the .RAW file exctracting and parsing FIX messages which will be fuzzed by the tool.
Remote FIX server IP
Remote FIX server listening port
Path of the captured .RAW file with a valid FIX login sequence
Path for the output CSV log file--fuzz
Path of the file containing the payloads for fuzzing--param
Comma separeted FIX fields to fuzz. If none were provided every field will be fuzzed--auto-fuzz length step
It enables the auto-fuzz mode which generates UTF-8 payloads on the fly accordingly to the length and step values that were passed
Please also consider that --fuzz and --auto-fuzz are mutually exclusive parameters.
Usage Example:
python --host= --port=11310 --input-file=Demo/demo.raw --csv-log csv_log.txt --auto-fuzz 40 5 --param 11,38
With this command the tool will automatically login to the remote FIX server using the provided demo.raw file. After the login process the tool will then start to randomly generate UTF-8 payloads to be embedded into each subsequent FIX request into the 11 and 38 FIX fields (please note that the UTF-8 paylaods are generated accordingly to the length and step that were passed).
Normal-Mode --host= --port=11310 --input-file=Demo/demo.raw --csv-log csv_log.txt --fuzz /tmp/payloads.fuzz --param 11,38
With this command the tool will automatically login to the remote FIX server using the provided demo.raw file. After the login process the tool will then start to fuzz the 11 and 38 FIX fields using the payloads contained into the payloads.fuzz file.
If no parameters are specified, then Fixer will fuzz every parameter except for standard fields (fields responsible for Message Type, Seq Number, CheckSum, Body Length etc.).
Key features:
- The user can now pass a file containing a list of his own payloads for fuzzing
- Fuzzing specific, user supplied, FIX fields
- Passing multiple parameters for fuzzing
- Handling multiple requests from raw files
- An auto-fuzz functionality was introduced: it generates unusual UTF-8 input and allows the user to control the length and the step of the generated payload
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