mitmAP - Create a fake AP and sniff data
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A python program to create a fake AP and sniff data.
new in 2.0:
- SSLstrip2 for HSTS bypass
- Image capture with Driftnet
- TShark for command line .pcap capture
- SSLstrip2
- Driftnet
- Tshark
- Full featured access point, with configurable speed limit
- mitmproxy
- Wireshark
- DNS Spoofing
- Saving results to file
Kali Linux / Raspbian with root privileges
A wireless card and an ethernet adapter / 2 wireless card
Python3 (mitmAP will install the dependenices, you don't have to do it)
A wireless card and an ethernet adapter / 2 wireless card
Python3 (mitmAP will install the dependenices, you don't have to do it)
- Kali Linux -> "sudo python3"
- Raspberry PI -> "sudo python3"
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