BitCracker - Bitlocker password cracker

BitLocker is a full-disk encryption feature available in recent Windows versions (Vista, 7, 8.1 and 10) Pro and Enterprise. BitCracker is a mono-GPU password cracking tool for memory units encrypted with the password authentication mode of BitLocker (see picture below).
alt text
Our attack has been tested on several memory units encrypted with BitLocker running on Windows 7, Window 8.1 and Windows 10 (both compatible and non-compatible mode). Here we present two implementations: CUDA and OpenCL.


For CUDA implementation, you need at least CUDA 7.5 and an NVIDIA GPU with minimum cc3.5 (i.e. Kepler arch)

How To

Use the script to build 3 executables:
  • hash extractor
  • BitCracker CUDA version
  • BitCracker OpenCL version
The executables are stored in the build directory. 
Before starting the attack, you need to run bitcracker_hash to extract the hash from the encrypted memory unit.
> ./build/bitcracker_hash -h

Usage: ./build/bitcracker_hash -i <Encrypted memory unit> -o <output file>


  -h, --help		Show this help
  -i, --image		Path of memory unit encrypted with BitLocker
  -o, --outfile		Output file
The extracted hash is fully compatible with the John The Ripper format (see next Section).
Then you can use the output hash file to run the BitCracker attack.
> ./build/bitcracker_cuda -h

Usage: ./build/bitcracker_cuda -f <hash_file> -d <dictionary_file>


  -h, --help		Show this help
  -f, --hashfile 	Path to your input hash file (HashExtractor output)
  -s, --strict		Strict check (use only in case of false positives)
  -d, --dictionary	Path to dictionary or alphabet file
  -g, --gpu 		GPU device number
  -t, --passthread	Set the number of password per thread threads
  -b, --blocks		Set the number of blocks
N.B. In case of false positives, you can use the -s option (strict check empirically verified, it works with this repo images encrypted with Windows 7, 8.1 and 10).
In the the script there are several attack examples using the encrypted images provided in this repo:
  • imgWin7: memory unit encrypted with BitLocker using Windows 7 Enteprise edition OS
  • imgWin8: memory unit encrypted with BitLocker using Windows 8 Enteprise edition OS
  • imgWin10Compatible.vhd: memory unit encrypted with BitLocker (compatible mode) using Windows 10 Enteprise edition OS,
  • imgWin10NonCompatible.vhd: memory unit encrypted with BitLocker (NON compatible mode) using Windows 10 Enteprise edition OS,
  • imgWin10CompatibleLong27.vhd: memory unit encrypted with BitLocker (compatible mode) using Windows 10 Enteprise edition OS using the longest possible password (27 characters)
Currently, BitCracker is able to evaluate passwords having length between 8 (minimum password length) and 27 characters (implementation reasons).
BitCracker doesn't provide any mask attack, cache mechanism or smart dictionary creation; therefore you need to provide your own input dictionary.
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